HOW to write an Article | Format | With Sample

                                                              It's Simple...

First of all let me tell you the format:-
                                                                      - Writer's Name

Introductory  {

Middle/Main {

Concluding   { 

Some important points:-   

  • Title should not be long (about 2-3 words).
  • Article should be interesting & easy to read.
  • You should present it in a neat way.

                               CHILD LABOUR 
                 - Mr. Blogger

It means work done by children under the age of 18, and they are deprived of their childhood and from gaining knowledge & going to school.

Child labour should be stopped, because of child labour many children are not able to live their childhood as they wish, they are not able not attend schools and gain knowledge because of this they will not be able to get good jobs in future and will struggle a lot. This also affects them physically and mentally. Some children works because of their bad life conditions and some are forced to work. Children also do not get paid as much as adults.

Whenever you see a child labour you should help him/her in any way you can. On 23rd December, 1986 Regulation and Prohibition Act was declared by the parliament under which no child shall be permitted to work in occupations that are hazardous or harmful by its nature.

HOW to write an Article
HOW to write an Article

                                                     THANK YOU  


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